Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Instant Alert: A Tour Of The Foxconn Factory Where Teenagers Are Making Your iPhone For $1.78 An Hour

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February 22, 2012
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A Tour Of The Foxconn Factory Where Teenagers Are Making Your iPhone For $1.78 An Hour

by Jay Yarow on Feb 22, 2012, 11:02 AM


Apple and its manufacturing partner Foxconn opened their doors to ABC News so the world could get an inside look at the factory where iPhones and iPads are made.

We've watched the report taken some screen shots and given you a condensed version of the report to flip through.

It's somewhat disconcerting to realize the intricate gadgets we use are made by human hands. If you've ever tried to open up an iPhone, an iPad, or a laptop, it's hard to imagine putting it back together by hand. Yet, that's what's happening every day, thousands and thousands of times at the Foxconn factory.

This is ABC News reporter Bill Weir. He's our tour guide of Foxconn.

There it is, Foxconn. The controversial company that makes iPhones, iPads, and dozens of other electronics

Before inspecting the factory floor, Weir puts on this anti-static suit

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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