Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Haypi Kingdom - Guide to prevent being farmed

One of the most frustrating thing that can happen to you is getting your entire army of troops wiped out by a high level player or good teamwork by other strong alliances (fair enough).

It is OK to lose resources. But losing your entire army as well means you have to rebuild your army as your oasis levels lower everyday. You have to rebuild your army then, re-occupy the oasis again. Double whammy.

Tips to prevent being farmed
  1. Join an/their Alliance - I do not attack people with Alliance yet
  2. Level Up - Shows you are active. However, it can be a double-edged sword as high level players may prey on you for prestige.
  3. Go Hunting - Hide your troops by hunting before going offline
  4. Use up your Resources - Maximize your available resources by upgrading. Upgrade your Cranny (it's cheap anyway).
  5. Sell Highest at Market - Sell your resources at the market with the highest price. You can cancel them anytime to get them back. You will need people.
  6. Build Traps - Deterence, I am active. Besides, you can net some catapults if they attack with no infantry
  7. Write a letter - Most people are cool. At least they know you are active
If you can protect yourself, then you can level up...

PS: My game name is leather1 (with a number 1 that is). Add me as a Haypi Kingdom referer when you register, so that I can complete a task. I will thank you from the bottom of my heart. Join my alliance Avatar if you like.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Haypi Kingdom - Fort Farming

Fortified Point - credits to MrSevenX


Level: The level of the fort
Cats: Catapults needed to win
Resources: the total about of each resources each fort holds
Infantry: infantry needed to take all resources in one attack
*cats: the fort has catapults as well!

Lvl - cats - resources - infantry - *cats
1 - 215 - 50k - 2000
2 - 428 - 60k - 3000
3 - 855 - 80k - 4000
4 - 1410 - 100k - 5000
5 - 2170 - 130k - 6500
6 - 3782 - 160k - 8000 - *20
7 - 6255 - 200k - 10000 - *50
8 - 8708 - 300k - 15000 - *80
9 - 14115 - 400k - 20000 - *150
10 - 19830 - 500k - 25000 - *300

*Numbers based on the "10% Rule"*

NOTE: when farming I find the best way is to command all your troops to "wait" from round 1, if you have the recommended amount of catapults, they will be able to kill them with no losses.

Sequence to attack (Wait all the way, except if only cats left)

1. Cav (they should all die, else round 2 is also cav)
2. Inf (surprised? archers not in range yet)
3. Archers
4. Inf/Cats (depending on shooting tech, anyway if you target cats and they are not in range, it will automatically attack Inf)
5. Inf (if there are no cats left)

Remember: every major title upgrade, or every 3 levels, you can hold 1 more sub city and 1 more fort, also, the amount of oasis you can hold is: Your level divided by 2 and rounded up if needed.

PS: My game name is leather1 (with a number 1 that is). Add me as a Haypi Kingdom referer when you register, so that I can complete a task. I will thank you from the bottom of my heart. Join my alliance Avatar if you like.

Ocean life

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Ocean life - FREE wallpaper for Apple iPad
To download click on the image.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sample Game with "Free" Piece Movement

We've just posted a new game called AmoebaWar.ege to the EveryGame Google group.


To open the .ege files, remember that you can download them, rename them to .zip, and then double click to open them.

AmoebaWar isn't a complete game -- more a work in progress / technology demonstration. It should give you some good ideas for implementing a miniature or wargame. In particular, it has examples of:
* Simulating free movement with a grid of small squares
* Selected different terrains by picking them from a tab-based menu
* Tapping pieces to show their movement / attack range

AmoebaWar also makes use of several features that will only become available once EveryGame version 1.3 is out. You won't be able to see them until it's available, but a peak in the xml file will give a preview. You'll get more control over tab placement and naming, the ability to annotate pieces with their names, and a whole lot more!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Yosemite Waterfall

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The majestic Yosemite Waterfalls are iconic symbols of scenic beauty as they are set in impossibly scenic valleys and canyons. It's no wonder why Yosemite National Park is California's Waterfall Mecca.

Yosemite Waterfall - FREE wallpaper for Apple iPad
To download click on the image.

Haypi Kingdom - Troops


Put it simply, the attack of the archers are reduced to 1/5 when attacking the turret.

The attack of the long range troop is reduced to 1/4 in a melee battle.

I believe you cannot attack a trap, so the trap column should be dashes (-) as well. However, the trap can "attack" the troops as the troops need to sacrifice themselves to disarm them.

PS: My game name is leather1 (with a number 1 that is). Add me as a Haypi Kingdom referer when you register, so that I can complete a task. I will thank you from the bottom of my heart. Join my alliance Avatar if you like.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Haypi Kingdom - Oasis Guide

Recommendations by Reckoning


Oasis Level 1: 9-9-0-0
Cats to beat: 8

Oasis Level 2: 24-9-0-0
Cats to beat: 8

Oasis Level 3: 49-24-9-0
Cats to beat: 18

Oasis Level 4: 99-24-9-0
Cats to beat: 26

Oasis Level 5: 249-49-24-9
Cats to beat: 52 (Shooting Tech 1+)

Oasis Level 6: 499-49-24-24
Cats to beat: 87 (Shooting Tech 1+)

Oasis Level 7: 999-99-49-49
Cats to beat: 170 (Shooting Tech 1+)

Oasis Level 8: 2499-99-49-99
Cats to beat: 255 (Shooting Tech 4+)

Oasis Level 9: 4999-499-99-249
Cats to beat: 505 (Shooting Tech 8+) OR 750 (Shooting Tech 4+)

These are the proper maxes and the recommended minimum I would take to ensure 0 losses.

Personal Experience

Oasis Level 1: 9-6-0-0
Cats to beat: 6 (Shooting Tech 1+)

Oasis Level 3: 49-19-9-0
Cats to beat: 13 (Shooting Tech 1+)

Oasis Level 4: 99-24-9-0
Cats to beat: 25 (Shooting Tech 1+)

About 1 catapult for 1 cavalry. Need to take down cavalry preferably in 2 turns. Another trick is to move catapult forward once and attack. Next, wait and attack. Just before the cavalry reach, move back and attack. If archers are going to come within range, move back and attack. You may be able to use fewer catapults.

Oasis Income - credits to Rouge17

Starting at level one: 100 / 200 / 350 / 550 / 850 / 1250 / 1900 / 2700 / 3700 and the rare level 10 oasis is 5000 per hour

Next Post: Haypi Kingdom - Troops Versus Table

PS: My game name is leather1 (with a number 1 that is). Add me as a Haypi Kingdom referer when you register, so that I can complete a task. I will thank you from the bottom of my heart. Join my alliance Avatar if you like.

Haypi Kingdom Strategy

My game name is leather1 (with a number 1 that is). Add me as a Haypi Kingdom referer when you register, so that I can complete a task. I will thank you from the bottom of my heart. Join my alliance Avatar if you like.

Well, it seems like end of the road for iMafia III. So I started on Haypi Kingdom. It really seems like the good old Koei games but multiplayer style.

General start up strategy is to complete the tasks and collect the rewards and upgrade along the way. Remember to upgrade your warehouse (they will warn you anyway). Later strategies, I am occupying oasis to supplement my resource income. Always not enough resources so use the daily gift to buy resources for the upgrades.

I will give an oasis occupying guide in my next update. Stay tuned.

Creating Dice in EveryGame

A user was recently asking us about how to create dice in EveryGame, so I thought I'd share my response with everyone, since there's certainly lots of games that need them!

The simplest dice would look like this (a 6-sided piece, with a tap action to pick a random side):

<single_tap action="random_side" args="v2,0_1_2_3_4_5">
<sides paths="game_1.png,game_2.png,game_3.png,game_4.png,game_5.png,game_6.png>

It can be hard for that simple case to see if when you tap, you've rolled the same value, or just missed. People have come up with a few solutions. One is to use two pieces, one with sides, and one always blank (to represent the "ready to roll" state). Each tap will flip between these.

<initial_location name="dice_location">
<single_tap action="send_to_back">
<sides paths="game_1.png,game_2.png,game_3.png,game_4.png,game_5.png,game_6.png>

<single_tap action="send_to_back">
<single_tap action="random_side" args="v2,0_1_2_3_4_5,dice">
<sides paths="game_blank.png>

When the blank piece is on top, tapping it will send it to the back of the stack (hiding it), and roll the dice. When the dice is tapped, it's sent to the back, showing the blank piece.

If you want an example of the fancier setup, I suggest you look in the backgammon game's xml file. You could even use its dice images if you want.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bear is diving

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Bear is diving - FREE wallpaper for Apple iPad
To download click on the image.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Beautiful sunset

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Beautiful sunset - FREE wallpaper for Apple iPad
To download click on the image.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Purple Daisies flowers

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To download click on the image.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Brooke Burke sexy

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Brooke Lisa Burke (born September 8, 1971) is an American television personality, model, and occasional dancer, known for hosting Wild On! (1999–2002), Rock Star (2005–2006), for winning the seventh season of Dancing with the Stars and for co-hosting Dancing With the Stars starting in 2010 (Season 10).

Brooke Burke sexy - FREE wallpaper for Apple iPad
To download click on the image.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Free Piece Movement in EveryGame

Recently, we've gotten a couple of questions regarding creating games by loading on pieces, without needing to create individual board spaces for them, so I thought I would share one of my responses with everyone.

Right now, you do have to define locations for the pieces to live it. The underlying engine is created in such a way that one giant location, where you drag pieces around to an arbitrary location inside of it would be possible. However, there's lots of extra code and debugging needed to actually implement such a thing. I think it could happen in the future, but it won't be available in the next few releases.

However, there are tricks to get close to that. With the "rows" and "cols" specifiers in the location tab, you could easily make an entire grid that covers the entire background. Just make the cells 20x20 or so perhaps, and start them at coord (0,0). Pieces can actually be much larger than the location that holds them, and now you could drag them around the iPad, and while they'll rigidly snap, it'd only be a small distance to the nearest cell.

The only difficulty is that you actually have to tap in the location to select a piece to tap / move. This means that if your locations are too small, it can be hard to pick them. So the smaller the location, the closer approximation to free movement, but the more difficult it is to grab pieces. One clever trick I saw was to put a dot, or other "handle" in the center of the image for each piece. Since the center of the piece will correspond with the location (where you have to tap), it makes it much more evident where you grab the piece from, and lets you easily work with pieces much larger than their grid squares.

Hopefully that gives some of you an idea of how you could set up free pieces movement in your own games. I'm out and about typing this entry from my iPad now, but I'll try and upload a simple game that demonstrates this technique to the Google Group soon.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Suzuki Bandit

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The Suzuki Bandit is a series of standard (sometimes called "sport-standard") street motorcycles produced by Suzuki.

The Suzuki Bandit - FREE wallpaper for Apple iPad
To download click on the image.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Getting Images for EveryGame

Based on a comment on the last entry, I thought I'd post a couple of tricks for getting images for EveryGame.

One great resource for images are Vassal files. If you've never heard of it, Vassal is a program similar to EveryGame, that runs on desktop computers. It's been going much longer though, and there's quite a library of games built up for it. Many can be found here:

You can download any of the .vmod files from that site, rename it to .zip, and then expand it. Inside, you'll find all the images you need to to create your own version in EveryGame.

Another easy way to get game images is just to take a top-down picture with your digital camera. The results have been surprisingly good just by taking pictures of the pieces, and cropping them to create the images for EveryGame. A scanner works too obviously, though it's hard to get the whole board in there!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Britney Spears, portrait

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Britney Jean Spears (born December 2, 1981) is an American recording artist and entertainer. Born in McComb, Mississippi and raised in Kentwood, Louisiana, Spears began performing as a child, landing acting roles in stage productions and television shows. She signed with Jive Records in 1997 and released her debut album in 1999. During her first decade within the music industry, she became a prominent figure in mainstream popular music and popular culture, followed by a much-publicized personal life. Her first two albums established her as a pop icon and broke sales records, while title tracks "...Baby One More Time" and "Oops!... I Did It Again" became international number-one hits. Spears was credited with influencing the revival of teen pop during the late 1990s.

Britney Spears, portrait - FREE wallpaper for Apple iPad
To download click on the image.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

AI in EveryGame

We got an email about the possibility of adding an AI to EveryGame recently, so I thought I'd share our thoughts with everyone.

While adding an AI might be possible eventually, it's probably not something that will be coming soon.

One of the largest problems is actually the AppStore rules.  One of the distinguishing features of EveryGame is that people can create their own games.  However, Apple has strict rules against running interpreted code inside of apps, which means people likely could not create AI's for their own games.

If Apple does relax its policy, we've at least got an idea or two about how an AI could be added (though it would still be no small task!).

What you are likely to see soon are ways to improve the ability to play with other people.  We're looking into options for Bluetooth play, internet play, play-by-mail and the like.  Plus, there's a bunch of other new features, likes clocks for chess, better hand-tabs, and easier game creation we're working on too!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wedding ring

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A wedding ring or wedding band is a metal ring indicating the wearer is married. Depending on the local culture, it is worn on the base of the right or the left ring finger. The custom of wearing such a ring has spread widely beyond its origin in Europe.

Wedding ring - FREE wallpaper for Apple iPad
To download click on the image.

Friday, August 6, 2010

I love Techno

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Techno is a form of electronic dance music (EDM) that emerged in Detroit, Michigan (USA) in the mid to late 1980s. The first recorded use of the word techno, in reference to a genre of music, was in 1988. Many styles of techno now exist, but Detroit techno is seen as the foundation upon which a number of subgenres have been built.

I love Techno - FREE wallpaper for Apple iPad
To download click on the image.

Coming up Next

We're hard at work on the next release of EveryGame. It should include much better support for various display options. The last release focused on game debugging. This one is focused on display. You'll finally be able to name and position the tabs for off-board hands. We're also greatly expanding how text is displayed. Previously, locations would just list a piece count or score, but you'll get options to control whether and how the text is displayed. You'll even be able to display e piece name, giving a way to distinguish stacks of otherwise identical pieces.

Got more ideas? Let us know! Email eggy.everygame@gmail.com

Thursday, August 5, 2010

iMafia 3

Category: Games

Company: PlayMesh


Version: PlayMesh

Size: 3.3 MB

Price: Free 

Update: I couldn't even find iMafia in the Apple Appstore search. It looks like end of the road... So disappointing. I was about to post the pawn shop, real estate and bar quests tables.

I have been playing iMafia 3 for quite a while. This is another Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) just like World War, which has pretty simplistic graphics but uses statistics as the main gameplay. Reminds me of the good old days of Koei games like Gengkhis Khan, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, except multiplayer now. Nevertheless, addictive.

Unlike World War which emphasizes more on defense, iMafia III is completely opposite and stresses more on offense.


Firstly, iMafia 3 only loses 0.1 % of money on hand per fight. Banking costs 10% i.e. you have to lose 100 fights which you will be in the services or hospital before that. You attack once successfully and you can get back what you have lost.

Secondly, most weapons/armor/vechicles have a higher attack rating compared to defense at the same level i.e. there is no way to defend unless you have more than 4x the number of mafia members (factoring successful critical and failed evade).

Thirdly, there is no static defense to assist you unlike World War.

The income from properties will take you forever to buy Mafia members (mm) at higher levels. It is only to sustain your upkeep which I also find it difficult to keep up esp. starting with artillery.

  1. Download all Playmesh games to get all the Armani Suits to even the playing field first
  2. If you have enough $$$, buy a mm
  3. Buy batches of 10 properties at a time
  4. Equip all mm with the best attacking weapons/armor/vechicles
  5. Upgrade Critical & Evade (c&e) to the max (45%)
  6. Upgrade Stamina
  7. Bounty hunt all the time (even with a 1 damage, you will eventually strike a lottery)
Suicidesquad which is level for level even with me is much more successful than me, because of the fact that he bounty hunts all the time (more loses than wins).

EveryGame Reviewed on TUAW

The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) has posted a lengthy review of EveryGame. It's exciting to see it mentioned on a high-profile website, particularly one that we read everyday anyway.

Read it here!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ashley Michelle Tisdale

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Ashley Michelle Tisdale (born July 2, 1985) is an American actress, singer, songwriter and television producer who rose to prominence portraying the candy-counter girl Maddie Fitzpatrick in Disney Channel's The Suite Life of Zack & Cody and the female antagonist Sharpay Evans in the High School Musical film series.

Ashley Michelle Tisdale - FREE wallpaper for Apple iPad
To download click on the image.

iPad APN Settings

You can view the Access Point Name (APN) settings on your iPad in the following location:

Settings > Cellular Data > APN Settings


Operator: – M1
GPRS APN: – sunsurf (postpaid) / prepaiddata (prepaid)
Username: – {blank}
Password: – {blank}

Operator: – SingTel
GPRS APN: – e-ideas (postpaid) / hi-internet (prepaid)
Username: – {blank}
Password: – {blank}

Operator: – Starhub
GPRS APN: – shwapint (not tested myself yet)
Username: – {blank}
Password: – {blank}

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Palms, beach, sea

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Palms, beach, sea - FREE wallpaper for Apple iPad
To download click on the image.

MicroSIM Cutter

Well, if you are worried that you may miscut your SIM to a MicroSIM and it does not work, I saw this MicroSIM Cutter product. Personally, I have NOT used them yet so I cannot give you an evaluation. But if you are interested, I saw a few websites:


If you are worried, there are also MicroSIM adapters to convert back to SIM, which I will cover in my next post. I am getting a MicroSIM adapter from a local seller and I will tell you more about it.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hong Kong at night

Hong Kong at night download free wallpapers for Apple iPad

Hong Kong is one of the two special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China; the other is Macau. Situated on China's south coast and enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea, it is renowned for its expansive skyline and deep natural harbour. With land mass of 1,104 km2 and a population of seven million people, Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Hong Kong's population is 95% ethnic Chinese and 5% from other groups. Hong Kong's Han majority originate mainly from Guangzhou and Taishan, both cities in neighbouring Guangdong province.

Hong Kong at night - FREE wallpaper for Apple iPad
To download click on the image.

Convert Sim to Micro-SIM

I walked the talk by cutting the SIM to Micro-SIM myself with this measurements and tested it to be working.

*I take no responsibility for any damage to your SIM card, mobile phone, iPad or any other equipment.

IMPORTANT: Print 1-to-1 on an A4 size paper and follow the instructions.

Download Cut SIM to Micro-SIM pdf

Remember to round the corners opposite the notch carefully or I recommend to use a nail filer or sand paper. Good luck!

Next post, I will cover micro-SIM cutters if you are skeptical.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Cherries download free wallpapers for Apple iPad

The cherry is the fruit of many plants of the genus Prunus. It is a fleshy stone fruit. The cherry fruits of commerce are usually obtained from a limited number of species, including especially cultivars of the wild cherry, Prunus avium.

Cherries - FREE wallpaper for Apple iPad
To download click on the image.