Tuesday, February 21, 2012

BuzzFeed Latest: Insanely Passive-Aggressive Obituary and More!

Today’s Hottest Buzz

Dutch Outraged Over Santorum's Euthanasia Claim

The view from Amsterdam: A "crazy extreme Catholic" with "a surreal view of the Netherlands." "We kill the elderly like there's no tomorrow," jokes a daily newspaper.

Insanely Passive-Aggressive Obituary

I'm guessing this was written by A.J. This very public airing of family grievances would be sad if it weren't so caustically hilarious. Spotted in the Tampa Tribune.

Gingrich Says Defeating Obama Is A "Duty Of National Security"

"We are really at risk someday in your lifetime of losing an American city."

Listen To Rihanna And Chris Brown's New Songs TOGETHER

So, it happened. Rihanna and Chris Brown just released two new versions of their songs together. Here's "Birthday Cake" and "Turn Up The Music." Judging from the lyrics they might be back together.

The Perfect Engagement Photo

Hey, you two. Save some for your wedding night.

Worst Tip Ever

Working in food service sucks. Some customers just seem to suck the life right out of you.

Nightmare-Inducing Photobomb

"Hiya, Georgie! Aren't ya gonna say hello?" *Shudder*

21 Horrifying Portraits Of Nightmare Dogs That Will Haunt Your Dreams

I dare you to look at this list.

Don't Buy Puppies From Pet Shops

Save a life and adopt your next best friend from an animal shelter. And if you just have to have a purebred dog, get one from a rescue organization or a reputable breeder.

The Stupidest Things Said By Presidents

Believe it or not, they're not all George W. Bush quotes.

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