Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Instant Alert: Here Are The Sweet Ideas That Apple And Developers Should Steal From Sony

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February 22, 2012
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Here Are The Sweet Ideas That Apple And Developers Should Steal From Sony

by Matt Lynley on Feb 22, 2012, 10:57 AM


The Vita is an absolutely gorgeous device. And, in a lot of ways, it's a much better device than the iPhone and other smartphones.

For playing games, at least.

But Apple and other smartphone manufacturers can learn a lot from the Vita. Here are some ideas that those manufacturers and developers should steal if they want to make better apps and games.

Use smart touch control schemes.

Using a physical analog stick is easy. Using a virtual one on a touchscreen is not.

But a lot of games — like Assassin's Creed — insist on using virtual analog sticks. They're wonky and painful.

Look at a Vita game like Uncharted: Golden Abyss. You draw a path with your finger on the touchpad or use physical analog sticks. That's a smart control scheme.

Seriously, guys. Get on it.

Add a back touchpad.

There's a huge amount of wasted real estate on the iPhone and other phones that could easily be converted to a touchpad on the back of phones.

Think about it: when you hold your phone, odds are your middle fingers are touching the back of the phone.

There are tons of possibilities for a back touchpad in games and apps on the phone, based on some of what we saw from games like Lumines on the Vita.

You need more screen real estate for better games.

The iPhone sports a 3.5-inch screen, which really isn't enough to show off all the crazy effects that the A5 chip and the rest of the iPhone's guts can generate.

The Vita's screen is 5 inches long, and it really makes a huge difference when playing games like Rayman Origins because you can appreciate the panoramic views and the sheer scale of some of the levels.

We aren't saying you need to go all the way to five inches. Four and change is fine if you know how to use it.

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